I like that you decided to take a different approach than the others in the contest, What's missing for me is that it does not communicate anything about social media. I'm not sure that I like the treatment on "$ales"... It is creative. I think just spelling it out may be better. Could you try some different colors and show me what it would look like on a white background. I like what you did with ValueSource, EmoTide , StrongBracket, Ridley Wealth Strategy (the logo shows the integration of 3 things... My company integrate Sales, Marketing, & Social Media... People, Processes, & Technology), YourSocialApp, prescriptiondrugs.com, and others...
I can tell that you (your company) is very good at what you do. Not ever having done this type of tournament approach I did not realize that it was best to provide greater input to the process. Sorry for multiple changes in ranking etc... without providing comments. I can understand that it would be difficult to keep taking shots in the dark if you don't get feedback. I'm checking the tournament often and will try to provide more feedback... I have extended the contest further in that I just haven't seen the winning logo yet.
Merry Christmas! Please continue to provide more ideas.