This is very Baptist, Protestant. We are rich in tradition and have a huge history. Scripture, Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary are the three main pillars which sustain us. The Holy Trinity (Father, son, Holy spirit) is also extremely important.
I understood you were aiming for the trinity, it just isn't a symbol we normally use. # 8 has the most focus on being Catholic so far as it has the Eucharist. Perhaps a few more that have this focus? Thank you for spending time on this. It means a lot.
It would be great to see an icon placed in the logo if possible. Some possible ideas would include: St. Anastasia, The Holy Trinity, even a fancy monstrance. Maybe even the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our faith community of St. Anastasia has a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus in the Eucharist) every morning and we are starting a Perpetual Adoration Chapel in a few months. Icons, images of saints, the Holy Trinity (and many other images of icons) are helpful explanations of difficult doctrine and helps viewers to participate in a more intimate conversation of prayer (even at a quick glance). I hope this helps in providing a little more direction in the creativity of the logo's.
#20 is looking better. The "One Holy Catholic Apostolic" seems to be lost in the design. Would you be willing to try a different icon based on our suggestions. Thanks you for working with us.