I have two favorites! Number 16 is one of my favorite of all your designed. Id like to see it in 2 last ways: 1.Can you make the outside boarder line around the emblem darker and add some little dots symmetrically around the exterior of the emblem? I think will acheive the ethnic feel we are going for. The other one i love is # 23. I dont like the swirly pattern arou d the dancer but prefer the simple flower pattern you used in #16. Can you simply layer the flower garland circle behind the design of #16? This way my 2 favorites are merged! Thanks! Ishta
LOVING all the new designs! Thank you for listening so well and checking all the feedback. Awesome work! My client and I will go over all the entries soon as the tournament is coming to a close. You will be hearing from us very likely! :) Ishta