We like the colors that pass healthy vitality, but having the heart in the colour rose stays very feminine. I think that the S3 inside of the ball must have one more font bold.
It has to have a bigger difference between the S3 and the Office. The S3 is the mark and Office is positioning, that one day can have other variations as for ex. Gourmet.
Thanks for the look and feedback. As far as the heart goes, I was thinking in terms of healthy eating - "heart-healthy" so-to-speak. It's possible another colour might work but I do like the current combination for strong visual impact. On signage, a passerby would be sure to notice. I'll heavy up the font some (it's custom). Cheers, Steve.
#12 I like the colours of both logos,I like the fount as it is the OFFICE and the signature. However I feel lack of Pictoral Mark and the S3 in Letter form MARK.
I'm bearing in mind with these designs that your primary form of exposure will be store signage and therefor a graphic (and accompanying wordmark) needs to be strong, clean, simple, with a minimum of fussy/frilly lines/curves both for production purposes as well as having strong viewer impact 'at-a-glance'.