I much prefer your more subtle indication of the abbreviation S.E.A. You made the right choice leaving off Inc. too. I am not sure the splash coming off the S is working. I have always wondered if someone could suggest a wave with the S somehow. The letters are very clean and strong. There are two directions I could see going. One is to thinner, more elegant letters. The second is to make the letters like a big window on the sea which is very nicely suggested by your coloring, and suggest the letters only with negative white space. I can imagine seeing a fish or two swimming above in the lighter blue space.
Oh yes. I like your latest. Do you know the waves in old Japanese prints that were full of froth and details - I would love to see that kind of wave suggested by the negative white space. Totally in the other direction, I would like to see almost a yin/yang space with a simple wave design.
Your designs are well liked by my colleagues. They have also provided additional feedback; they want to lose the dots (periods) between letters. Also getting feedback that the wave designs are preferred over the ying/yang style although someone suggested taking your entry #14 and turning the symbol 45 degrees left and see how that looks. On Entry #13, different wave styles should be explored - that version is not quite there.
I think the designs look cleaner with the periods/dots removed. Thanks. It was a good idea to try and cut off the bottom of the wave symbol (entry #28) but the waves used to do that make things a bit too busy - other approaches are worth trying. Your design #13 without periods/dots, without little droplet splashes, with a different white space wave design would be a very strong contender and may be an overall winner.
Entry 36 lettering is excellent. If you could go back to the wave with just white space from 13 and put less curl, or even a profile of some froth in the curl, that would be great. The additions to the bottom of the wave completing the circle didn't hit everyone as a winner. You are so close.
I would still love to see Entry #12 with wider letters in those colors with white space suggesting the letters as per my earlier comment. My general comment for the whole contest had a mistake - I meant to reference your entry as the one whose lettering could stand alone as a logo - I just fixed that.
Thanks for your new submissions. Both colors are very appealing. Don't take the rankings as a final indication of which direction we would go on colors - I am still waiting for some feedback from colleagues on their preferences. The waves on entries #49 and #50 when looked at from a distance look a bit like an eagle's head and beak. I think the wave shape will need some more revision. I would still like to see entry #12 with the letters smashed together so that white space indicates the three letters.
Did you try #71 with the letters in color and the negative space white? That is what I meant to convey earlier but I might not have communicated clearly enough. You might also run the S into the E at the top and lose the fish - they are cute but not really what I was thinking. I was thinking of the kind of silhouette that you would see from below if you were scuba diving but let's just leave them off. I like the #71 font better than the #72 font for this version. On numbers #69 and #70, the new wave design looks less menacing to my colleagues. The shape still doesn't seem quite right. I don't know what to tell you though. You are definitely putting our some great logos which we like a lot. One idea we have been toying with but I have not put up on the site yet is putting a white cross in the negative space between the S and E of SEA. Your designs seem well positioned to make something good-looking with this.
Entry #158 is the closest anyone has come to making the wave into a heartbeat design on a monitor. I have not ranked this version yet but if you were able to pull it more into a heartbeat wave shape, that would make it much more exciting!
Thank you for all your designs and for working so hard throughout the entire contest. #167 was so close except the wave didn't resemble a heartbeat enough. You were the early "man to beat" and on top for much of the contest and had many very good ideas. I particularly like your font choices too. You have a design in the top 5 of most of my judges and we have not finalized the rankings or declared a winner so things may change there - stay tuned.