#47 - I just moved this to the 1st rank. There's just a little something it needs, but I can't figure it out. I like #46 a lot too because it has a nice balance of gray and orange. #47 is awesome, but how can we either reduce orange, or add more gray????
#71 - I'm trying to figure out whether or not to go with the underline.......this logo will be going on the bottom of reports, so I want something that can print really small too (and still have all of its features seen).
I love #59. My peers are calling it too boring and just a choice in font. I disagree. I also like that "swish" in your others. I may chose this one because of its simplicity....I like it, but I'm trying to please several people.
I like run in one color and job in another. I like #59. I guess #59 needs something to add to it for pizazz....