Thank you also for the clear feedback during the contest and your kind words.
I will prepare the final files right now, after I will upload the files please check them and don't forget to approve the files (there is a button to approve the files).
Thank you for all of the revisions you have given. In the end we keep coming back to this version as our favorite. I will be posting the winner asap. Thank you for all of your help.
This is one of the ideas, here the spine can emphasize the aspect of the family by standing above Family text, and by the horizontal distribution, can express the closeness of a family.
What are your thoughts about this?
We can use Rumley as a single text on the same line with the icon in a clever way, to maintain the horizontal arrangement and underneath, Family Chiropractic.
I will show you but let me make the changes.
So far this seems to be the favorite. Would you be able to change the blue to be darker, and then a green that works well with the darker blue. Thank you.
Would you be able to show me Rumley to the left with Family Chiropractic to the right, Family and Chiropractic on two separate lines, taking up the same height as Rumley. Also with variation of placement of the spine, one in front of Rumley and one in between Rumley and Family Chiropractic. Thank you for all of your help.
Would you be able to show me a design that read more like Rumley, Family Chiropractic, as opposed to Rumley Family, Chiropractic...I want to make sure people understand it's a chiropractic office that treats families as opposed to the Rumley family treating patients...I hope that makes sense.
I agree :) One of my concerns is the proportions of the spine to the copy. The sign outside of my office will be longer than it is high. Would you be able to come up with a design that would work for that?
Really appreciate :)
Is this your website ?
If so, I can match the colors of the website with the current logo ( if you'll keep the same colors of website).
A new concept with the letter "Y" transformed into deer horns, symbolic shape of bone structure, also making the analogy with the anterior horn of spinal cord.
I've made two versions, one with the spine with the same size as the 1st ranked and one with the spine a little smaller, matches better with the horizontal layout of the text.
That was a very good idea and it looks super! But I'm also curious about your opinion, please take a look:
- with normal letter "R" but "L" as a spine: #142, #144, #145 and #146.
- and with "R" shaped like in this entry, but with the spine in "L": #151, #152, #153 and #154.
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Thank you also for the clear feedback during the contest and your kind words.
I will prepare the final files right now, after I will upload the files please check them and don't forget to approve the files (there is a button to approve the files).
Also the modification with Family Chiropractic I was talking about is here: #412, #413, #414 and #415.
What are your thoughts about this?
We can use Rumley as a single text on the same line with the icon in a clever way, to maintain the horizontal arrangement and underneath, Family Chiropractic.
I will show you but let me make the changes.
It still seems to me to look to say the Rumley Family works here not that it's a family chiropractic office.
Do you have any other suggestions to help avoid this confusion?
Of course, I will make the changes right now.
#407 spine in front of Rumley
#408 spine between Rumley and Family Chiropractic.
I've also made a variation with the spine as part of Rumley with Family Chiropractic on two lines: #409.
With pleasure! Also I thank you for the great feedback.
This is how you envisioned it?
I understand what you mean, please let me work on variations and I will come back soon.
Kind regards.
From my experience, this would fit on a horizontal space very well, without compromising the icon.
From what I see on your website regarding colors, the current favorite design will fit nicely into the color scheme of the website.
Is this your website ?
If so, I can match the colors of the website with the current logo ( if you'll keep the same colors of website).
I've made two versions, one with the spine with the same size as the 1st ranked and one with the spine a little smaller, matches better with the horizontal layout of the text.
- with normal letter "R" but "L" as a spine: #142, #144, #145 and #146.
- and with "R" shaped like in this entry, but with the spine in "L": #151, #152, #153 and #154.
Kind regards,
Right now I make the change.