This is excellent -- can you just take that exact dip (the one on the right) and simply move it up the mountain slightly, while filling in the edge as you move it up? Therefore, of course, the natural curve of the edge of the mountain side between the "O" and "N" will begin a little closer to the "height" of the "O." Then, please consider this done!! Thank you!!!
OK, here's our definitive, final adjustment. After looking at all of your (excellent!) designs and having several of my business partners do the same, we've boiled it down to this simple approach. Please use the ENTIRE DESIGN from #149 only replacing its "dip" with the one from #151. That's it. And so long as that can be 100% executed, we're done. By the way, you've been fantastic. I plan on not only selecting your design but leaving positive feedback with Logotournament regarding how helpful and innovative you've been.
The dip is perfect; that said, my apologies if the "imaginary line" was confusing. I LOVED the descent you had in all the original work -- see 104. Can you keep this "dip" but "push" back the slope afterwards -- that is, have the descent after the "dip" mirror your 104? INOW, this #151 is perfect in every respect so long as you go back to the original sloping from the "O" down. The right mountain side "jets out" after the dip -- if you can streamline the descent by mirroring the angle that exists on the left side (from about the "E" down) then we're finished here and have a complete product. Thank you for all your work!
This looks like the finalized version. Could you simply soften the curve at the bottom of the "divet" on the right side and have it end a little closer to the imaginary extended line from the mountain's side to the bottom of the "O" in "Resolution"? That is, the softened divet (more like a curve than stright lines) ends level with the "O" -- as such, it's a bit closer to the original picture I submitted with the logo parameters. Much appreciated!
This is outstanding! I have one final request, and -- once executed -- I'd like to declare you the winner. Are we to email directly? (It would make it easier to communicate the final detail.) If not, here it is . . . the dip to the right of the mountain's summit, in reality, begins a little closer to the summit and "finishes" closer to the middle of the of the right side. Perhaps, you know what this mountain is: K2, the world's most difficult peak to climb. If you can replicate that dip on the right side such that it coheres with the real thing, then we are all finished! Thank you!
I really appreciate your efforts here, and this looks really nice (it's a top choice, quite frankly). In polishing it, would you be able to: (1) make the "RTM" slightly smaller and (2) incorporate some of the yellow color in "RTM" in whatever manner you think looks good.
This is much appreciated. Is there a way to remove the slogan at the bottom and thus make the insignia slightly larger? Also, could you send me / submit a copy of that same updated logo, only with the writing in the gold color and the mountain in white?
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Please check designs updated #150 #151 #152
Please check my updated designs #145 #146 #147
Thank you for feedback. I really apprecited it! Please check my updated designs. Hope you like it :)