Thank you for posting. This is very cute! We like the carry over of the same children from the early childhood center into the early childhood camp logo.
Camp Bear Ridge is for young children, especially 1 1/2 to 3 years old, and also 4 years old. We're not doing campfires and fishing, but more finger painting, water sprinklers, bubbles, music and movement, bikes, slides/playground and outside games... Would you be able to revise the illustration to come across "younger" fun?
Very cute! We like #16 the best. Our concern is that the name of the camp is difficult to read because the letters are so small. Do you have any thoughts about how to make the words bigger/stand out more in this space? We are of two minds on the sign post - some of us really like it and maybe you could just make it and the words bigger, some of us wouldn't mind losing it.
Also, could you please tweak the bear's eyes? He looks a bit stoned.
Could you kindly show us two different options for this logo: 1) #25 without the bear (maybe you could make the signpost and camp name larger?) 2) #25 without the bear AND without the signpost (just a font for the camp name)
In addition, would you be able to please show us a similar version for our Camp Discovery logo (the second contest that we opened simultaneously with this one): 3) #25 with the signpost but no bear, and older-looking children (~2nd grade to 9th grade) - one older kid wearing a swimsuit with a towel over the shoulder and goggles, another one doing something else campy like painting, exploring nature (lying in the grass with a magnifying glass or looking at the plants/animals around the pond), dancing, playing sports, etc.)
Hi Faith, Yes, I was. I don't know why one contest ended before the other. I just wrote Ivan an email asking him to permit you to enter the camp discovery contest. Maybe you could write him as well? Thanks, Audrey
Thank you so much for wanting me to join the other contest. I see that NIght Owl is in first place and at this point in the contest, I would not feel right coming into it and possibly taking that away from him. Can you work with him to get the logo you want? I can pass on your notes to him about the kid in the swimsuit, etc. if you would like.