Incredible designs! Very proud of your art work. The font type is so far the best I'v received for the contests Edits #38 - Lets try to not include the door - We need to change the font color. - Can you create the colors to not be so christmasy... I know its difficult because it is Red and Green, but lets make it happen. - For the word FOR, Can you create the O, to be the Earth. A very vivid, blue green earth. The geological features need to be real, very high definition 3D kinda design.
Incredible designs! Very proud of your art work. The font type is so far the best I'v received for the contests Edits #38 - Lets try to not include the door - We need to change the font color. - Can you create the colors to not be so christmasy... I know its difficult because it is Red and Green, but lets make it happen. - For the word FOR, Can you create the O, to be the Earth. A very vivid, blue green earth. The geological features need to be real, very high definition 3D kinda design.
Hi Andrew Thanks a lot for your comment and the chance !!!
I'll send some updates trying to follow your instructions asap
Abolut the word O from FOR as earth it seems that the designed solair introduced that concept... so I can't use it... just in case that you asked for that change I'm allowed to do it, because is your idea... I'm sorry about that, but are the rules and is a fair rule that if one designer introduce some idea you can't use it
Thanks to consider my designs for your contest. Please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see... will be a pleasure.
Just fyi.... during the "Selection period" just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations.... During that period you can switch the designer ranked first anytime to ask for variations.