Rose Bowl Aquatics Center presentsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Rose Bowl Aquatics Center presents

Rose Bowl Aquatics Center presents has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 75 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.














Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


OH! I really like the land images...cuba looks like a swimmer's stroke!
Please keep with that notion and integrate the red rose and RBAC name more elegantly.
SUper cool concept, but needs some love.
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
is it okay to take the elements of the logo apart? I see others do it but some organizations frown on that. OR are there other "official" layouts of the logo?
10 years ago
cool concept--I'm just not feeling it's "together" yet.
10 years ago
#33: black is too in your face... make that subtle and liven up the copy
10 years ago
#37, screen down the land images and add 2013.
10 years ago
#35--above I meant #35. Also, please delete the waves behind the rose... too complicated. maybe hinted use behind the whole image. Please refer to the Annual Fund logo which is attached to the brief.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
hope I did what you requested... but from the rank it seems you prefer other options much more...
10 years ago
#35-Please just use the Florida (not so much of the continent) at the top like you did on #42.
Please don't worry about rankings so much... I use the placement more to compare and contrast, not only preference. This afternoon, once I think we have 3 strong choices, I will submit them to our group for selection. Then BOOM, we'll decide, award and download files as soon as possible.

Thank you!
10 years ago
#48--delete a bunch of the background WAY too busy.
It'd be cool to have a light line showing her course
use script for with (not italic)
do not use script for Nyad
presents should be under Rose Bowl Aquatics Center, not placed with the event name block
10 years ago
Logo Designer
OK sorry for delay... I was still in my jammies! will work on it a bit more
10 years ago
HA! I'm always in my jammies! Life is better that way. What city are you in?
10 years ago
HA! I'm always in my jammies! Life is better that way. What city are you in?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I am in Northern California... Silicon Valley...

Business Builders is a promotion company - we do anything printed or imprinted as well as doing graphic design.

Would love to win this one... and happy to tweak the design per your requests...

But you need to pick your favorites!!!! Happy to help any way for your event.


10 years ago
Ok, SOOOO close!
simplify type faces--too many, too light.
BIGGER and bolder, less noise. Delete all non-essentials. Too many water lines in background
Might want to mention some of the details of her record breaking swim from her website to further identify the event.
move florida up, less of the state and bleed off of the corner. That will open up space for copy. Logo must tell the story: who what when where why
RBAC, Night with Nyad, Oct. 19, (implied RBAC), she's the BOMB!
10 years ago
When I grow up I want to live in Portola Valley.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
obviously when this is enlarged for a poster or banner it will be easier to read details and it will not look as crowded.
10 years ago
much better! Yippee!
unbold presents
bring the quote about her to just under her name
shift background to right and place text in open white space
stars a little smaller
10 years ago
10 years ago
There's a sweet spot between 60 and 63. incorporate comments from above.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
will do... I just wish you could look over my shoulder and give directions... I feel this is really a poster rather than a logo ... but trying to tell her story...

I might be interested in attending this event... but it is a pretty long drive to So Cal...
10 years ago
Oh lord, you're right. OK stop. I apologize! :-(
10 years ago
I won't even be three! I have parents' weekend at U of Arizona! HAHA
all the work and no pay off
10 years ago
Logo Designer
once I have invested 12 options, I will keep on tweaking and hope you like it best!!!!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
have them podcast the talk... or video it for TedTalks.

I graduated from going to parent weekend at univ... both kids finished and I can retire now!!! (not) they came back... California is too expensive for new grads to live.

10 years ago
You're great! :-)
10 years ago
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