the concept behind the logo is "each page you pass will get to your heart", so the heart has become a book and you can it read through the pages of the books that they offer.
This logo is all about showing romance in a fun and "21 first century" way, I chose to show the heart as people usually write it when they are in online medias (chatting, on social networks, etc) so it's very appropriate for a web based company; and I combined it with the word romacify to create a bond between the word and romance.
Same concept as the previous logo, with a variation: the heart in the word romancify is higher, to pop it up a little and give the feeling that "love lifts you from the ground".
Hello and thank you for your entries. We like # 45 and 46 - they are on the right path.
We do want modern, contemporary and innovative - not old school romance and those two are getting there. however we would like the logo to be not quite so simplictic. We like that they are not frilly and typical romance but we would like something more, something a bit less simple, but within the same basic idea.
Same concept of the previous logo, but changing the typography to give it a more feminine, mature and warm look. The typography is less simple than the previous entry as you requested, but without becoming frilly and old fashioned.
Hi, I just wanted to point out my new design, entry #59, with the original concept but a different typography. I also wanted to add that in this concept (the general concept I've been using) the heart formed by the letter m and the < symbol does not only make reference to online medias, but also to the action of reading, because it's showing a person reading, looked from above ( the letter M is the person, the two exteriors traces of the M are the arms, and the central is the person's torso; and it's holding with her arms the book formed by the symbol < ).