On #4: I like this one because its clean and professional. Not quite sure what the three blocks signify, but its an interesting look. Feel free to play with the typography of "Media" too.
Thanks for the feedback Ryanrockyou! And the ranking ass well...
Here are new versions for you, the blocks are realted to the fact that you "build social experiencies" and I tried to express this in a simple way... The new versions are playing with the word Media...
If you want to see another variation or you want to see how it looks something, just tell me Ryan...
Couple of things. 1. I would like this to be a very professional looking logo. I dont think the tilted or staggered font on media works well in this regard. 2. Media in this context does not refer to traditional media (ie film, tv, radio), but to social media. This is one of the bigger challenges for this redesign.