Thank you for your feedback. Since you already direct design to mountain theme and you already got some from other designers, I leaned to try 'running wild' by offering different proposals. I hope you don't mind, its because sometime running wild can create a new 'different' thing that may be has positive influence. Here is my another 'run wild' proposal. Thank you - Herdian
Hi Herdian, thanks for your patience. I haven't been at my computer much due to a cold!
First let me comment on your designs from the other day. Entry #24 is really clever, I like how you've incorporated a hard hat into the sky. I am really bouncing between this one and a new entry from another designer. I haven't yet shown the designs to the owners of Rocky Road because I wanted to get 3 or 4 really strong designs in the contest first. Once the owners have a look, the rankings may change from what they are now. The current rankings are my best guess as to what the owners are looking for.
I also really like #22 (it is one of my personal favorites for the contest) but I have an idea that the owners may lean towards a design with a "road" in the design. Again I may be wrong and once the owners have taken a look, this one may be a contender as well.
Finally I like the concept of Entry #23 with the tire track. Could you give me an alternate version of this design with a more realistic tire track (heavy equipment tire track)? This idea is really strong and worth exploring.
Thanks for all of your quality designs. Your designs are different from the pack and very creative.
Hi Herdian, any chance you could give me an alternate version of #23 as described in the post above? I really like the idea of the tire track, but a more realistic track may make the difference in this ranking higher (I have bumped this up to 4th position).
Man you are making this hard!! More great entries. The owners are reviewing these new designs more and hope to make a decision soon. #61 is a real contender for the top spot. Good Luck.
New idea that combine tire track with Michelin character. Try to create any perception that both Michelin and Rocky Road have the same purpose in different way. Thank you.