Here is idea for your logo: an all-encompassing shield, with a road going into a secluded place. The overall shape and look of the shield is similar to highway and road signs, further driving home the visual idea behind what you do. Let me know if you would like to see any changes made, and I will be happy to submit some more variations asap.
Reworked the layout and added some more shading and effects... I like this one the best so far out of my entries, but I look forward to hearing what you think. Thanks again!
Here is how it would look on alternate backgrounds, as I am sure it will end up on trucks, uniforms, signage, etc. It is good to know how your logo will hold up on different colors.
Thanks for all your designs. This really does look like a road sign and I like the fact that I could put it over any background because of the shield shape. Can I see one variation of design #48 with the word "Rocky" just straight (without the rounding on the top). Keep the "Road" text as is. Also, could you make the road element less wavy, it almost looks like a river.
Perfect, I prefer this. The owners of the company of out-of-town and will not be available to select a winner by the original close date so I have to extend the contest for a week. Sorry for the delay but it is my job to coordinate the logo design, but I will leave the selecting to the owners.