Thanks for all of your entries so far! I am to sick today so I'll be brief but I wanted to let you know you are on the right track. Could I see an alternate of entry #3 with silhouette spruce trees to the right and left of the mountains?
Your new entries are really great. Can you give me an alternate version of Entry #34 with the crest shape rotated 180 degrees (so that the rounded side is on top and the flat side on the bottom).
Hi. Thanks for the alternate designs. Sometimes you gave to see something to rule it out. I think after seeing the round at the top, it looks better the original way. On the number #39 design, could you change the green color to a brown or grey...the bold green is...too bold. I like the idea of the third color to the logo though..let's play with some options.
After some discussions, we would like to see more nature elements in the design, specifically trees. Can you widen the blue area in design #70 and add some trees on either sides of the mountains? Can you do the same with design #78. Also on #78 could you make the rounded corners smaller. Thanks. If you can thing of any other nature elements that you could put in... maybe a bird in the sky?
Hi Merge,, thanks for give me a lot of feedback and suggestion. I'll try to add some nature element like bird and trees. Also make the rounded corner more smaller on my #78.