Hi, I would like to see logo #52 in black and white,solid colors, and finally 3D. I want to see the difference the logo has between all 3 options. Thx in advance for your efforts.
Hi there again, can you make the mountain in your #52 grey like and the sky blue? I really like this logo,so if you could make this changes, that would be awesome! Keep the same font, and highlighting. Also remove the grey background as well. Thank you in advance.
Hi, thank you for your appreciation, but I hope so that Nibiru designer does not put me in the "Dispute". Because there will be a similarity with his logos. You should talk with the site manager Mr Yvan F. As soon as I get his answer I will send you the logo with the changes you desire. Thank you for your compréhention, Best Regards, Arm
Hi Arm, After review of this revision, i would like the green mist above the text removed,and make pool plural. Also noticed that the boarder fades from grey to black,can you make it all the same as the grey thats already there. Also make the mountain tips white not green. Thanks, and i look forward to the revisions.
Well there is a green accent above the text rockwest, and i would like it removed, and the mountain tips i think should be white for better contrast,not green. And i just noticed that you have pool in the name, and it should be (pools). minor revisions. Also the boarder you have around the perimeter of the hexagon is a shadow grey, and the other side of the boarder from what i can see is black. Can you make it all the same as the grey shadow that you already have? Let me know if i made any sense. Thanks!