could you try to make something like entry no. 59 but not with a pyramid as this associates too much to egypt rather to morocco. also could you try a version with the r in rocco and c in child a litter different (bigger/longer for example).
yes thats not bad. could you try a version leaving the suare away? only the middle bit upto the round leaves? also please leave the bottom writing away. thanks for your effort!
could you please make nr. 81 without moroccan apparel and nr. 47 with the writing of 81 (without moroccan apparel again). try a version in black and blue colour writing please. thanks!
thanks! could you now try a verison of 97 and 102 in the colour of 81? and also another version with additionaly the writing colour (slightly grey) in grey?
perfect thanks:) maybe one more idea... could you try something like 104 but with 6 or 8 "corners/sides" instead of 4... so looking more like a star or something... but still can be round.
looks good! but try to make it a little more simplistic please (a few less lines inside for example). and here again, preferably make it in the colour shade of nr. 81. thanks for your great efforts!
thanks! 107 is beautiful! wondering what it would look like with an aditional circle around it and therefore slightly smaller... but go to bed now first=)