Hello Bill. THANK YOU FOR WARM WORDS! I wish you good luck in everything that you do and what this logo would bring you to new heights of your creativity. I'll prepare these two files now and send them to you. thank you so much!
I understand your comment about the "rules" no problem. It has been fun and a pleasure to meet you from across the world and cultural abyss. God Bless and Good Luck to you in all things! May life grant you all you desire and the light of God shine brightly on your soul and in your eyes! Best Bill
Hi, I got your files of the logo.... is it possible to get the logo files also in "black on white" and "white on black" like the two entries you sent so we can use them on black and white promotions?
Thank you very much my friend! for the kind words and for the evaluation of my work! I am now preparing the final files and in 15 minutes everything will be ready. I will also do all the other files through my email. Ask the site administration and they will give you an email address. if i write it then i'll break the law. here you can not write. do you understand me.
You WON my FRIEND! Thank you for your efforts! God Bless and I look forward to receiving your files. Send me your email too... maybe there is more we can do together if we have needs in future for graphics? I enjoyed talking to you and loved your LOGO from the early stages... we all love it. Thank you again, I know you worked hard. I will need Logos I can you use in Black on White and White on Black as well as the standard files. Please let me know if there is anything we need to do. Just fyi my ancestors came from Black Sea area as well... a long long long time ago :)
This the one I like the best... period... you do not have to send any other versions. ALTO! :) It is fine... this is the one unless anyone surprises us in the next 18 hours. Your effort is admirable and I know you are having fun and being a pro showing us all the slight changes that we can notice... subtle ones but impactful. This is the one we like... we like the colors, the scale and relationship between the icon and the text... PERFECT is the right word. I know my stuff... this is exactly what we need as a BRAND! PERFECT!
I made all three design changes. Please tell me if I missed something. I counted about 50 works in my computer with minor modifications in the design of this logo. I am an artist and for me every little changed accent in logo design is of great importance and now I'm confused,))) but I think I did everything right. thank you
If you can make the Camera lens look this is the prior to... I don't want to detract from the RCAMERA stylized piece... I like this CAMERA LENS better than the other with the highlight on top... thanks.
This is the second one of your many submissions we like... could you do the Horizontal lines in pink as a comparison for us to look at. Thanks Again my friend! PEACE! :)
Hi! I think this is great! Can you give me one with the horizontal lines being in the pink color and that will make this and that our No.1 and No.2 Choices... there are still others coming in... but I think what you have here is excellent and still POPS more than anything else we have seen but the others are great too! You folks are so talented! I love this process where the world can share their creative spirit with the rest of us! Thank you so much for your passion... but I think you have a great concept in this one
Thanks Bill! we have 6 in the morning! I worked all night and did not sleep. I will go to sleep for a little bit. Republic of Georgia at the Black Sea. If anything, write, I will do everything you ask. thank you!
Hi these are really good... you can stop until it's over and we can go from there if no one beats you :) I am very pleased with your effort. I don't want you to keep tweaking... it is fine where you are ... we are close to finalizing. Thank you for your effort. Your design is the one to beat... I don't imagine anyone will? Peace! :) Bill
If you look at this one... IT POPS... the layering of the Colors fading to white I think takes away from the NEON look of the LOGO? This one really pops as does the pink one... the latest are nice but the richness of this earlier version kicks you in the face :)
Can you make the circle a little more purple and the RCAMERA more blue... just reduce the white area and let the blue and purple fade so they are not white.. Eliminate the Sparkle at the top of the R and the top of the Lens... they are nice but Detract from the RCAMERA surround which I think needs to POP not get flattened into the background? Does that make sense?
I will make these design changes. how you defined my concept and spirit in this one logo. I paint cosmic themes like galaxies, black holes and more. Thank you for these beautiful words. Later I will show my works, and you will see that I am telling the truth. thank you
Hi! Can we Leave the "ROBER" as is... change the Camera Body Outline with the stylized R to the light blue and the outline of the camera lens to the purple? I like the way the blue POPS out and gives you the R with the Camera IT POPS it... I got your email... I am glad ... Life is love and enjoying what you do... to get to god is to get to the self where all the joy is and LET HIM OR HER OUT! to connect with the universe... I feel it in your art!
Thank you so much for appreciating my work. I also take pictures and draw pictures. by profession I am an artist-designer. I love this topic. Thanks!!!
Hi! I like this except I like the camera tipped to the left vs the right as shown... can you show a horizontal version too? I like the Camera lens this way vs. more busy... it detracts from the POP of the logo its self... a subtle reflection as shown or a little lighter works with the camera tipped the other way I think... THANKS! Bill
Fantastic! Thank you for these 4 submissions... really nice refinements of your concept... I think this one jumps out the most to me. I like the purple and blue... its more regal than the pink and blue but I like that color scheme as well. Thanks! We like yours best so far.
Wow! that's pretty cool and fast... last ask... can you put the logo in the middle of a round black representation of a camera lens or something like that vs a square... so that it is self contained contrast and looks like a reflection of a lens or round like a camera lens with the logo in the middle?
Cool! Do you think a different font or color would make it POP more... I love the Camera R logo set above the name... just wondering if there is a way to make it "pop"... very creative though... good vibe.
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