To be honnest I tryed to stay away from the sign every logo with river in it use it and present yousomething a bit orriginal. Do you have any suggestions to make it mor your way?
Good stuff, Ino. Thanks. I'll keep going with three of your submissions. Could the "crown" in #62 be moved to the left side so things aren't stacked so high? Cal
Hello Ino. I asked 20 people to vote on all the design entries and your #70 was the overhwhelming top pick. Congratulations and thanks very much. You did a great job of working from a photograph. Some comments below... Cal
1. Make the “Science education adventure" bigger 2. Looks like the font is different sized for watch and river. I wonder if he could make it all the same. I love the raft! 3. Nice use of raft image and good sign.
I uploaded new versions wit 4 different fonts so you can have a final pick. The font was the same size in #70 but river was bolded and watcj was the words to be a little distinctive.
Ino, these last versions help. Thanks. Could you try centering the three words under the name? Or, moving the three words all the way to the right? Cal