Yes, we wanted to see how it looked this way compared to the slightly more spaced out version. Which do you like better? :) We like this color combo a lot.
Love this! What is difference between 318 and 317? Can we see this in the condensed/compressed version you’ve done? We just want to compare the two. Thanks!
We really like this new version! Could you provide a few different color combos? We are not stuck on blue and grey so feel free to suggest some additional colors. Thanks!
We really like this but the line connecting the two points is throwing us. Looks like a mountain or a medical (EKG) symbol. Is there a way to make the line more elegant - more symbolic of a river (maybe multi line?)?
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but you can have both if you want. :)
Is this what you mean?
Their difference is in gray, #317 has a lighter gray than #318 which has a slightly darker gray color.