Menangam, wondering if you could make another run at shading on this one. Doesn't need to be as detailed as your last one you made a run at. Maybe just a lighter black/dark grey around the chest area, ears, tail, etc. or other areas that make sense for your logo. Could you also add (or really cut out) a white area around the eye? Curious to see what that might look like.
Between you and another designer and you've both done great to this point. Y'all both have different items that are great, but as I understand it, not sure a collaboration is possible in this 'tournament'.
As an FYI, you don't need to worry about lettering. We're just concerned about the squirrel and won't be using any lettering with the final product.
I like the detail of the squirrel, but would like to modify the tail to something like in the attached. Can you do something like this?
Ok. Now a little change. I like the shading, but we're thinking the tail is off and would look better not going straight up. We like this logo. Can you make something like this or modify your logo to mimic the same? Link below.
I like both designed but prefer this one with the detail of the fur/whiskers. Can you add shading to the squirrel to make it look more life like? Also, could you make the tail start lower on the ground and end closer to behind the head as opposed to all the way over? Maybe even with the tail going more straight up.
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Between you and another designer and you've both done great to this point. Y'all both have different items that are great, but as I understand it, not sure a collaboration is possible in this 'tournament'.
As an FYI, you don't need to worry about lettering. We're just concerned about the squirrel and won't be using any lettering with the final product.
Ok. Now a little change. I like the shading, but we're thinking the tail is off and would look better not going straight up. We like this logo. Can you make something like this or modify your logo to mimic the same? Link below.