#8 good day again, could you make the word Hills green as in #10 and also place the small LLC under the es and stacked on the end like #12. I appreciate your extra efforts in this matter.
Good Morning Mr. William, No worries, i am happy to do that. I am currently away from my computer, will update newest request later tonight Jakarta time
#8 I havent seen any changes since I have written you. It turns out that your design Circle, looks very close to a goverment design, with the same colors which would be confusing to people. Could you change the circle to a square or rectangle or any other medium other then cirlce thanks again for you excellent work
Good Morning Mr. William, #8 has been updated as #16 and #22 as you've requested. Might be something i can't get from your previous message about #8. Iwill update for latest message in very soon