I will revise entry #9 ( background and color scheme can be changes any time )
#18 and #20 I will include the slogan and resubmit. The concept in #18 is that the curve is both like the alphabet I and is made to look like a person soaring high to give it dynamism and movement; aspiring or rising above.
In #20 its the hands thats trying to reach above - its breaking out from the alphabet O, as if from the shackles. You will also notice the arrow mark in the letter O denoting re-inventing oneself - the idea of the hands breaking O perfectly fits the three things you want to communicate with the logo.
The same idea goes for #17 too - i will redesign the person in it to make it look better.
on #20 I like the breaking the shackles concept. Can you make the shackles more prevalent and maybe submitting a updated design of that one so I can compare it to #20.
#20 only shows the shackles in the form of the alphabet o ( encirclement ) being shattered ( a part of it being invisible ) but if you want something quite prominent i can think of chains being broken - will put up some designs soon - please allow me a day - since i was preoccupied with something personal and was quite literally a day off - thanks for the feedback and comments.
Ps: meanwhile you can let me know if you got any ideas in specific; off way i can improve on mine - thanks
no problem on the time. My mind is just starting to flow now on these logos.I want to see your alterations on #18 and 20 but I am also looking to see if anyone can come up with something good involving a mountain. Just something that I have always associated getting over challenges with. Do you want to take a shot?
The mountains didn't turn out quiet like I was thinking but thanks for the different take s on it. On the chains on #34. Is there anyway that the actually letter "O" can be the chains? I like your original take on the hand and the O but it now looks a bit too busy with the chain working in between the words. I also like the color scheme of the original one as the words set apart much better, but it might look better if the entire thing was a bit larger or stronger look.
thanks for the feedback - i will redo and submit em in sometime its about 3 am here and am too tired - so please allow me some rest - thanks for understanding.
Entry #73 #74 revised from Entry #18 ; bigger and bolder look and with the slogan you asked for - any changes you need, do please let me know
New entry Entry #72 Entry #71 flight on stairs to success .... Thanks for you valuable comments and suggestions, they just help me in better understanding your quest
Entry #167 As asked for Entry #165 Entry #164 - simple and a word mark!! - and the chains forms the letter O, the way you had asked for - i like them .. do you!?
you didnt like #165 #164 - thought you said you like the concept of the breaking of the shackles ... please let me know if you want any changes - or you can drop the entries as not interested - so i do not have to wait or sit over them - and can work on another concept - hope you understand - thanks
after seeing the new concept it didn't give me the strong connection that I thought it would that is why I moved it to the not interested. Deciding about so many designs is challenging so I have to go on my gut connection as we get closer to the end. I hope you can understand this challenge.
Hope you like Entry #179 - its a rising star - and you can feel the fluidity and dynamism in the person reaching out and as in in flight of motion ie the person disnt appear static - if you like this entry i can tweak it - the design will appear fine in black and white, any size - its 5.30 am here and i may not be online to immediately respond to any variations - and i hope you arnt in a hurry either - thanks