#29 another concept, a human figure standing on a hills abstract with a reaching hand and a face looking upwards to express him raising above and reaching high for his future / dreams etc.
I will refine on it and versions of it, but this is the concept am trying to capture here, raising above obstacles, reaching out for the bright future, reaching out for the star, etc.
#31 here am using the bird concept, as birds are free, fly high, raise above and below it is two hills abstract and the sky is same color as word " Above " .
Kareem, since I have never done this before what is delivered with the winning logo. Like with your logo #29 would I get the current logo with the words and then could I get one with just the image and no words or quote?
Yes, you will get everything you want basically. I will provide you with an .ai " vector " source of all formats, like you said, logo mark alone, logo mark with brand name, a black and white version and also a watermark version ( very light grey ) to use on your letterheads backgrounds if you wished and so on.
Those are provided with hi res images .jpeg and hi res .png ( with transparent background ).
Anything else you might think of / format / variation will be also provided for your own convenience and ease of use on different platforms ( web / prints / etc )
Basically from the source .ai vector files, all other formats can be easily extracted and printed at any high resolution / unlimited without losing any of its effects / image you see here on screen.
Even when you want to print those on shirts / mugs / caps etc, you take the source file to the print house and they use it / utilize it best way for embordiing.
Hope that answered your questions, i have done this with all my winning logos / contests here and customer / client satisfaction is always my number 1 focus to achieve.
I uploaded you other possible versions / variations for your own convenience and to get a better picture how this logo functions and still looks good and sharp in black and white, which is a measurement of how good and lasting the logo is.
thanks. this helps. i am going to move the black and white images to not interested in so that I can continue to look at all of the other entries easily. This does not take you out of consideration so no concerns.These really help get an idea of how your layout will look in B&W.