RipTeesLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / RipTees RipTees has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 147 designs from 35 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by GoodGuy Design Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #11 Withdrawn Prefers others. #48 Withdrawn Prefers others. #47 Withdrawn Prefers others. #46 Withdrawn Prefers others. #45 Withdrawn Prefers others. #44 Withdrawn Prefers others. #43 Withdrawn Prefers others. #42 Discussion riptees Client Like the idea of the RT together just not in love with the font chosen, please let me see other options 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer No problem. I will work on some new ideas for you later today... Thanks! 14 years ago riptees Client Really like this one a lot, see if you can throw a few more fonts and variations on are def in the finalists category 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Sure thing. I meant to get to it last night, but was too busy with a project. I will definitely be putting you at the top of my list tonight.Thanks for the feedback. 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Here is a new idea, with a more textured look--to reflect the idea of being "ripped" tees.(This comment references Entry #42) 14 years ago GoodGuy Design Logo Designer Just something for you to be aware of. They are not identical, so you most likely would not have legal trouble. But I just wanted to make you aware, since you are both in the sporting apparel industry... 14 years ago