First of all thanks for coming up with a design i appreciate it. Lets try taking out the RTRP and Face and just designing a logo to fill that area. Try putting some silhouettes of people standing maybe? We do alot of Blue-Collar job placement so how about 2-3 silhouettes of workers? I like the orange and blue color scheme... When you do the logo think of lots of people working
im not a big fan of the faces... Also the "S" lookes more like a 5. Can you try something with some silhouette's of full bodies standing in a business pose?
#4 Can you give me a variation with the words "Right Time Right Place" like you did in entry #1 ie spelled out. I don't like the gradient on the the letters RTRPS in #1.
#15 Nice Design... Can you give me a more classic feel to this without so many color variations.. Work on the guys in the design, I don't care for the shadows on their face... and add a lady. Nice work my favorite so far.
#8 Can i you bold the text "Best in Business" also can you make Right Time Right Place stand out more... Let me see some different colors and increase the font size or bold it some more while decreasing slightly the Staffing part. We want people to know that were a staffing company but they also need to recognize that the company name is Right Time Right Place.
Entry #15 has the best font... I like our name in all caps/subcaps... Can you take the dark shadows off the faces and leave them white. And add a lady on the left like you did with #18 Thanks