RichardRoop.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $310 they received 191 designs from 27 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
Here's my initial concept.

(This comment references Entry #3)
15 years ago
I like your VoltCRM and Apollo concepts with 3d bolt logo above name. The bolt could be a sales profit chart. Chart could be shape of house. I don't care for RR on block.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Interesting.... I love the shapes on those too. I'm probably going to withdraw both of them anyway as I got in those contests way too late. Let me see what I can put together.

Thanks for the feedback.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll withdrawn this shape from the other contest if it's something you end up wanting.

(This comment references Entry #4)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I've got a few ideas I'll work on tomorrow. It's late here and I'm exhausted. I just wanted to get a couple entries into your new contest to introduce myself.

Hello, I'm Erik !

Thanks for the feedback.
15 years ago
I like the logo shape and 3d feel, but it has now meaning. If it showed sales profit graph busting off a chart.up with arrow.
15 years ago
Visual example of off the chart sales:

I really like the 3d texture, perspective and shadow of your logo.Shaped like a house, a sales chart with bolt poiting up, maybe the top of up arrow shaped as a house.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
How about something like this for a house?

(This comment references Entry #25)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This one has some subtle meaning in the bolt.

(This comment references Entry #27)
15 years ago
I like the style of house in logo. Bolt still cool looing but out of place. Top of bolt could have an arrowhead.
Also, what if house logo was "thowing off cash" (bills or dollar signs)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
What about something like this?

(This comment references Entry #28)
15 years ago
#31: $ signs in background get lost. What about 3 for 4 $ signs shooting out the top where arror breaks through. And how about the blue color and .com style of #4.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
How is this for the changes based on your latest feedback?

(This comment references Entry #52)
15 years ago
For #52: Try these adjustments and variations please:
Drop the slogan. Use small caps
Currently blue, green and white. I’d like more contrast.
Try darker blue and black/gray
Try both green and gold for second color.
Would like more 3d feel, perhaps reflective surface below
Make $$ breakout a little bigger, more discernable (with broader/bigger arrowhead?)
The house logo in #31 has more contrast, which I think is better than glass effect, but I like the glass button effect too!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok. I put together versions of all the latest changes you asked for. The only confusion I had was what you meant by "the main color green or gold".

(This comment references Entry #128)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning Richard. I've noticed that you are showing a preference to bolder fonts, so I increased the weight on my entry and changed the color styling around a little. I think it really brings out the reflection effect.

Hope your having a great day!


(This comment references Entry #164)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is my final submission for your contest. I think it's still the most solid contender. Alot of the other designs look too clipartish to me, this one has a lot of character and punch!

Good luck with your contest!


(This comment references Entry #181)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
actually one more. This is the same as #181, just a little bigger and without the dollar signs on the inside of the house. It can always be rescaled to fit a certain format.

(This comment references Entry #183)
15 years ago
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