Hi we are intersitng in the logos: Rank no 1, entry 9 : we love the typography of ri but the ri is now clear if you could separate the ri of events could be better what do you think about the color, can you change the colors. we want ri has been very clear.-
entry no3 could you change the colors? what do you think aobut the back in white?
i uploaded the modifications...have a look and let me know what you think about the changes....plus i uploaded some color variations too...if you can particular color combinations let me know the entry nos the combo s and i will upload the variations for you :)
is it possible that you can put in the back a color Talking about the description of the things that i can do i see the letter size too small. Can you make bigger?
Another importatn change can you put instead Ri events... Ri Eventos iwant to see the logo in spanish
Hi Glassfairy to the diferent color I mean to the background, i see the pink and purple but is too femenine can you put more masculine color (blue, green, black, grey!!!
Thanks alot and i will post the text in spanish...