How about this one?
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Once again, Many thanks for Your kindness
I want to submit several improvements... I need you to put my design as top5 rank for a while. Because only top5 rank can submit logo at this phase.
Many thanks and Really Apologize for this inconvience.
How about this one?
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
many thanks for Your kindness.
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Please let me know.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Once again, Many thanks for Your kindness
I want to submit several improvements... I need you to put my design as top5 rank for a while. Because only top5 rank can submit logo at this phase.
Many thanks and Really Apologize for this inconvience.
How about this one?
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
many thanks for Your kindness.