Better. Change the letters to black and make them a little thicker. Keep the iv in pink to stand out. Make the pink a little bit deeper in color. Thanks
Please change the background to white not black. The purple should be more magenta than purple. The font should be thicker and bolder. The iv in revivial should be magenta to make it stand out. Can you make the long side of the L and N look like rain drops to resemble an IV drip? Thanks
I like the overall design. Please change the color purple to magenta and make the green more neon and lime green. Change the font to a cleaner more modern print. The iv in revival should be magenta as well and renew reboot and revive black. Please do the deisgn as well with a black background to see the difference in to the 2. I would like to use it as black and white. Thank you
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