I invited my team to choose their top 5 and three of them chose a design that you ended up withdrawing. Is it too late to put it back up there? It was #123. Also can you show me a version of this design that does not have the gradient effect? We will want to print this on a shirt and want to see what it looks like just a solid silver color.
Can I see the phoenix in #138 in a shield like in #156 or #85? I don't mean flat black, I just mean that shape you used in all the designs. I think you'll need to change the wings and tail a little to make it work but we really like this design and would like to see what you can do with it.
#158 is awesome. Can we see a flattened version? Like #138. Something that would look good in 1 single color or 2 solid colors for printing on pens, and other print material that does not allow full color printing?