Hi, here is my first proposal. I decided to go with a circuit board. I've shown the logo with some effects, on a lighter background, and in one color. Your feedback and/or ranking is very appreciated and very helpful in getting the logo you want :)
Very good. We may want to use the logo linear as well as "stacked" Can you provide some possible options with this in mind. Obviously with the size on the icon it currently doesn't lend itself to that flexibility..
#149 and #150 have the revisions. I never did explain the font becoming progressively bolder, it was a visual way to communicate the process of revealing :)
On 151 & 152 the blue shading on the background makes it really pop out but in the real world it won't be that way, the background will be a solid color. I would like to see what it would look like white/gray on a black background and black/gray on a white background.
I'm sorry, you do have one on a black background I would just like to see one on a white background. I do like the reversed "V" for the "A" and I do like the font getting progressively bolder equally as well as the other.
I'm sorry, you do have one on a black background I would just like to see one on a white background. I do like the reversed "V" for the "A" and I do like the font getting progressively bolder equally as well as the other.