Here are some of my concepts. I've gone for something that's fairly clean and simple, yet striking. Creating an icon that works well within the logo or as a stand alone element, one that can be used for things like favicons or watermarks.
The idea behind the icon was to represent a few things ... Firstly they are two lowercase letter "r's" facing each other. They also form a slightly sci fi / Star Trek shape. The shape itself has a feeling of a portal or even a save protected space ... The inner space is in essence a square (so represents a digital pixel), cupped by the "r's" - so you have "digital" investigative in the core created or surround by "reveal" (the two r's) i.e. the company.
Hope that made sense :)
The logos are 100% vector so will scale well to any size, and works well in full colour, B&W and on coloured backgrounds if needed,
It would be my pleasure to work up any variations so please do say. I look forward to your comments or thoughts.
Very good. I would like to see what it would look like with the icon smaller in relation to the text. Also the "digital forensics & security a little larger so a person could read it. Reveal doesn't really tell people what we do so to be able to read the rest would be desirable. Also we may want to be able to use the logo linear as well as "stacked".