Hi there, thank you for your designs! I like the colors in both and the atomic font of #2. Can you do a version with a clip art image of an actual mid century chair, clock or lamp incorporated into it?
#2 looks the best. I like the straight lines. It represents the mid-century period very well. The chair in #8 looks a bit too similar to a wine glass. I like where you put it though. It makes the logo look nice and compact. Do you have another image that you could put in the same space on #2? Do you have access to mid-century Danish style clip art perhaps? Some images may be commonly available like the sunburst clock or the artichoke lamp or the Arne Jacobsen lounge chair or similar.
Really like the ones with Poulsen lamp. Just to let you know I am going to organize my board a bit and put all the earlier versions in the 'not of interest box' so I can see a bit better what I have. Thanks!