A "positive" start to the "negative" space! As is often the case, some of my staff saw the text image right away, and others never did. One thought it said "R5", so my thought would be perhaps to round off the top of "S", and perhaps help the "A" pop a bit more with color? Just thoughts... Thanks for your submission!
Hi, Thanks for your feedback, i'm still working to make the S not read as 5 also try to fix the A more efficient on negative space. Also i get the new idea to make an opened box to represent 'solutions came out off the box' when i was doing revision. Hope to hear your opinion again.
Much easier read now on #12. Nice revision. While I understand conceptually what you are trying to communicate with #11, I fear it may confuse the order of the letters. The acronym has to be easily readable at first glance in order to be effective for us.