Thank you for your kind words and for the tip. You are perfectly right. Previously I uploaded wrong file. Here is the right one. The difference between this one and #126 are: a bit different color of the steps and shorter bars on the sides of "BREEDS". Other differences are negligible. I just wanted to provide revisions of the entry #110 that you requested.
Just to clarify if they are both indeed the same that is totally fine. We wanted to just be aware of any differences if there were any. Once clarified, we can choose the design number and end the contest early. Our team is adding an additional $100 to the contest as a tip for you and your great efforts. Your level of communication and attention to details were very much appreciated. Thank you again.
Hello Sculptor,
You really outdid yourself and we couldn't be happier. You went above and beyond taking everything we asked and made it happen. Our sincerest gratitude. It is safe to say that design #126 and #127 are exactly the same-perfectly matched, yes? We did our best to compare designs to see if we noticed any subtle differences. Would you confirm our educated guesses? Thank you so much again!!!
This is revision of #110. I exchanged lion for the old one (from #92), made fonts exactly the same (with exclusion of first and last letter in "EMPOWERMENT", changed color of circle outline to dark, removed overlap of lion's mane.
This is revision of currently top ranked entry #92. I corrected fonts of "RESPONSIBILITY" and "EMPOWERMENT" to be exactly the same size (but please note that I refer to "MPOWERMEN" as first and last letter are made bigger to make it stand out more).
Please let us know if we are in the wrong and if the font sizes are actually exactly the same. Our eyes have a way of deceiving us especially as we have been mulling over the unique details with regards to all your entries. You have given us a lot to consider creatively.
You have really made our job quite interesting. Your creative insight have provided us another opportunity to consider new stretches to our imagination. Thank you so much for your creativeness. Would we be able to see this design with the original lion you offered us like in #92? This exact size lion here but with the original? Thank you so much!
Working off of our request/comments from design, this appears to have text larger which is great. Would you be able to swap out original lion and proportionate to this scale lion here as it appears it is a tad larger without his top mane cutting into the S? Perhaps this may save time from having to re-edit #92 from beginning with the exception of font size for the words RESPONSIBILITY and EMPOWERMENT being the same size? Please replace black outline like #92 as well if you choose to work off of this design. Thank you so much.
Please forgive me as I somehow overlooked responding to this clarification. Yes, we were wanting to go in that particular direction from the start. However, with the particular concept and current layout presented regarding the pyramid etc., we weren't quite certain that those two medias would work well together and didn't want to fully appreciate all you've done in creating such beautiful and interesting designs. We wanted to be open to someone's creative eye outside of what we went into wanting the artist to do. It is also quite challenging conveying into words exactly what a company is seeking as there are many different interpretations as well. Taking into consideration of the artist's choice and starting point. We've tried to remain non attached and closed creatively especially when and if magic appears. We do appreciate your willingness to change his expressions. However, we agree that the original face structure seems to capture a more realistic lion a bit better that added more interesting elements/features but also stayed in the realm of character type artwork-less photo realistic given the overall design direction.
On this top design, would you be able to make the word RESPONSIBILITY be the same size as EMPOWERMENT as they are equally weighted in meaning and value? I know this sounds crazy but they are particular with evenness/alignment... when lining up of lion's mane (top hair that sits on his head that is raised a bit outside the circle which is great choice by the way making the lion bigger like in the design #110) once font sizes are equal, would you be able to make sure his mane doesn't cut into the letter S in RESPONSIBILITY. It isn't currently on this particular design, however, a few versions they noticed cut into the S and not line up quite as nicely balanced and centered within the S given the overall word spacing equally from left to right. You provided us with so many options. I will comment on the other options to see if you could just swap out with the original lion so then we can narrow down our top choice. As a team we cannot express our gratitude. You have been a real pleasure to work with. Thank you again.
From #105 to $110 - I uploaded 6 new versions. I redrew lion's face to be less aggressive/threatening. I also played with layout and background. To make lion's figure more pronounced I removed outside outlines in 5 entries. Color of the background in the #106 is more washout to make foreground stand out.
Of course I can do that. I have one doubt, however. Realistic lion means more colors, gradients and things that can get illustration closer to the photography style. Is this your intention to make it more photo realistic?
Revisiting with my team as well as considering other entries, would you be willing to be open to a few design/ suggested changes/revisions? The wrapping of the text around the horizon/sun - is there another less wrapped version - possibly deconstruct the black lines around the circle- perhaps a simpler background of the horizon/sun as they feel the saturated colors of lion and his character type appearance are too close with the horizon/sun. Is there another lion that you can offer - one more realistic, a lion that still has confidence and a confident look but his facial expressions to be less angry/aggressive looking?
They mentioned their eyes being too drawn to the striking colors of both the lion and backgrounds alike and the words especially RESPONSIBILITY isn’t as pronounced. They would like to see if you can reintroduce the shadowing with the word EMPOWERMENT in your original design to see if that possibly adds to the design or anything else we can consider. I do apologize for asking to revisit. This is a difficult and challenging part of the process and our/my intentions of revisiting doesn’t negate your creative work that you’ve done thus far. We appreciate, understand, and honor what you’re up for task wise. Thank you so much.
Thanks! I made three versions changing geometry of the stairs so "BREEDS" could be bigger. I decoupled it from the steps in two entries. I also experimented with different sky. #90 has more saturated colors for the lion. Please let me know in general if you look for more colorful or rather toned-down look.
I really appreciate you taking the time to make all the changes. May I ask if there is something creative you can do with the word BREEDS to make it a little different so it doesn’t get lost inside the stairs? Perhaps a color variation or a complimentary color to try that adds to the overall color scheme and design without it being too distracting or a focal point? The overall design looks really awesome! Many thanks to you!!!!
I really appreciate your efforts and design. I am wondering if I can see a few creative variations that may be a bit more contained. I would have a difficult time to contain this design on apparel without it looking like a square sticker such as on a back of a hoodie or shirt. I would also like to know what other options of the design could work without the appearance of blemished/faded designs/brush strokes within the stairs, perhaps a cleaner look, for screen printing purposes. May I possibly see another version of a lion that proudly stands atop the platform with both paws and front legs straight as if he just finished climbing the stairs (finished his "action steps")? I do appreciate your time and patience through this creative process. Thank you for your willingness and participation.
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You really outdid yourself and we couldn't be happier. You went above and beyond taking everything we asked and made it happen. Our sincerest gratitude. It is safe to say that design #126 and #127 are exactly the same-perfectly matched, yes? We did our best to compare designs to see if we noticed any subtle differences. Would you confirm our educated guesses? Thank you so much again!!!
On this top design, would you be able to make the word RESPONSIBILITY be the same size as EMPOWERMENT as they are equally weighted in meaning and value? I know this sounds crazy but they are particular with evenness/alignment... when lining up of lion's mane (top hair that sits on his head that is raised a bit outside the circle which is great choice by the way making the lion bigger like in the design #110) once font sizes are equal, would you be able to make sure his mane doesn't cut into the letter S in RESPONSIBILITY. It isn't currently on this particular design, however, a few versions they noticed cut into the S and not line up quite as nicely balanced and centered within the S given the overall word spacing equally from left to right. You provided us with so many options. I will comment on the other options to see if you could just swap out with the original lion so then we can narrow down our top choice. As a team we cannot express our gratitude. You have been a real pleasure to work with. Thank you again.
They mentioned their eyes being too drawn to the striking colors of both the lion and backgrounds alike and the words especially RESPONSIBILITY isn’t as pronounced. They would like to see if you can reintroduce the shadowing with the word EMPOWERMENT in your original design to see if that possibly adds to the design or anything else we can consider. I do apologize for asking to revisit. This is a difficult and challenging part of the process and our/my intentions of revisiting doesn’t negate your creative work that you’ve done thus far. We appreciate, understand, and honor what you’re up for task wise. Thank you so much.