Our team would like to know if you were able and willing to offer versions of lion facing the viewer positioned atop the stairs ( please see reference) ? All of the versions you offered have a side view of lion and not any stairs to consider. Thank you for your efforts and creative designs thus far. We appreciate your time.
Thank you for your efforts. I really do appreciate you working on some changes and options to further consider. Would it be possible to have a lion looking directly at me, facing me atop a platform of stairs? I am trying to convey that he has completed climbing the stairs (taken the action steps) and perches himself atop the stairs on a platform (not sideways on just a landing platform). I do apologize if what I am asking you to recreate isn't clear. I am trying my best to type it into words. I am grateful for your willingness to consider my suggestions.
I appreciate all of your efforts and multiple entries for me to consider. You gave me a lot to think about. Would it also be possible to try another logo approach with a more realistic (realism) lion that is atop stairs that is facing the viewer? I did my best to sketch out an approach to convey an alternate direction. Thank you so much for your time. I am uploading a reference.
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