I like where you are going with things. Could I see #40 with the abstract RR in a shaded frame like #41 and #42? also, could I see number #41/42 with different fonts. #39 is a nice font too, but I would to see it in something other than all caps. Thanks,
ok, you are the front-runner going in the last day. could we see the ranked #1 logo changed to have no circle in the logo, no caps and more modern font, and more emphasis on the "rodule" part. thanks, Tim
here is what I want to finalize: #58 with the same font from #74, except 1) just the first words capitalized and 2) Resilient bolded and 3) Rodule not bolded, and 4) the logo part a little larger.
Are you willing to sell me services outside of this contest if I need them? l