Thank you Piraka. Looks fantastic. Our board will be reviewing the logos tomorrow. If you get a chance, could you make it look bigger. We are goint to start ranking tomorrow night, and this one will surely be one of the top picks. Thanks again.
Everyone LOVES your designs. Entries #16 is of course ranked 1, but some team members are also arguing for Entry #14 of yours. Awesome work. Thank you ;)
Hi Piraka. I love the last 2 variations you just added. Would it be possiible to see what it would like using just 2 colors at a time? So, in other words, can we see a version in black and orange only, another in black and green only and one in black and blue only? If you could, that would be great. Thank you so much ;)
Hi Piraka. After 2 judging sessions, your design is still the leader. One of my coleagues had one request for you. Could you create a version of Entry #19 where the emblem and the text (renomuscle) are side by side - like in Entry #14? Thank you so much. There is only one more final round of judging tomorrow and the suspense will be over. Thank you Piraka.
Hi Piraka. Some of my colleagues like the 'rounded' version of Entry #46. It looks like you have already withdrawn it. Could you make it available for viewing? Thank you. Also, if your design is selected, we will need to know how much you would charge for us to get SEVERAL of the variations you made. Thanks again.
Thank you Piraka. I will grab that! Also, I am going to be 'rejecting' the other versions... not because i don't want them. I just want to start clear my plate and focus on the finalists. So DON'T DELETE the files. I am just clearing for organization sake. Thanks!