I wanted to echo the look of the logo from the site you linked to. This has the same font for the main wording, just like its counterpart. And then I incorporated subtle splash effects to add a touch of what you do to it, without making it so specific that it can not stand alone on ads, biz cards, websites, etc. I think you may want something simple that can be seen cleanly and easily at all sizes and in all colors.
If this does catch your eye, and you would like to see further variations or color combos, just drop me a message and I will be happy to oblige. if the contest has already closed, i could still send you new designs if you would like, via email if possible.
I noticed you are considering all of your logo options still. If you select mine, and would like to see some alternate versions (better size ratio, alternate color schemes, etc.), I will send along multiple files for you once selected.
Thank you again for your consideration. Best of luck with your decision making!