Remixx BandLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Remixx Band

Remixx Band has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 114 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.












Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Hey there, BusinessBuilder!

Thanks so much for your entries. What a nice surprise!

We really love design #27 and we'd like to ask you to make some revisions.

Revision #1: Could you get rid of the word BAND (take it out of the design altogether) and put the slogan (which is now to the side of the band name) underneath the work Remixx where the work Band currently sits. We have decided we don't want BAND in the design.

Revision #2: Could you make the font of Remixx either a bit THINNER (half the thickness if possible) or show us a couple of different font ideas?

Revision #3: Could you show us a couple of different color schemes of the entire design (different colors of Remixx text and different color schemes of the LED level design (which is really cool, by the way!). We are not sure we are sold on the current color scheme.

I hope you will help us out and make these suggestions come to life.

We really appreciate your entries and we look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thanks so much,

12 years ago
Hey there,

We are digging entry #39 a LOT! Thanks so much for the revisions and the fast service! Very impressed!

It's getting late here, so we are headed to bed, but we will be back on in the morning to see what new submissions come in and we will continue to communicate and rank.

Thanks again,

Caroline :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the great feedback - if there is a specific font you like or color scheme you want to try ... just let me know... my primary business is promotional materials - so I try to design something that can be easily transferred to almost any type of merchandise.

Let me know if I can help...

Carol - businessbuilders
12 years ago
Hi Carol,

Thanks for the revisions. We love the color scheme on design #39. Very nice!

Would there be any way that you could make our slogan (The Ultimate Live Music Experience) a darker color and a wider font. It's kind of hard to read.

Perhaps if you can shorted the long part of the letter "R' in Remixx so you will have some more room to fit the slogan, this might allow you to use a wider font for the slogan as it feels a bit pinched.

A darker color for the slogan text might help it pop too, or maybe a font with a little more substance to it.

Thanks and keep up the GREAT work!

12 years ago
One more thing, Carol.

I was also thinking that the first LED line could actually be part of the letter R. So, in other words, the first LED line would be joined to the R so they would be connected as if the LED line is being generated by the R in Remixx. Might look totally stupid, but could we see it?


12 years ago
Hi Carol,

Okay, we made a bad choice! Sorry! Could you separate the first LED from the letter R, as well as separate the end LED from the X? Why did we ask you to do this? :-) Thanks for fixing it back to what we had before, BUT...

we do love how you put the 'THE" in the slogan ABOVE "ultimate. It fits in that opening of the letter "e" nicely. Please leave the slogan like the new version, but go back to the original LED design, which was separated from the R and the X.

Thanks! It's an awesome logo and thanks for the fast revisions!

12 years ago
Hi Carol,

We have a revision request. The first two logos we have ranked in 1st and 2nd position have depth elements and gradient elements, as well as sparkle elements that give the logo a polished/metallic kind of look that we like.

Could you add some of these elements to your design? We'd love to see what you can do.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
here are a couple options done differently from how others did it... Actually you will want versions of your logo without gradients also for some types of imprint requirements... And probably a one color version as well for engraving - think embroidery or etching or even if you want it on a frisbee type flyer...

12 years ago
Hi Carol,

We won't be having any print material and if we do, I can play with the gradient feature in Photoshop. I am actually very InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop savvy, but I don't have the creativity to put a logo together from scratch! This logo we want for the band is only for web and social marketing, so the gradients will be fine there. I always ask designers to send a one color version with no elements and I also ask them to provide just about every file type they can, so we have options. Or, I can do the file conversions myself.

The new ideas you gave us with the outline aren't exactly what we had in mind. We just wanted to have some polish to the LED's (almost to give them a sense of depth (3D a bit) and a sense of lighting up with some glow, gradient, drop shadow, bevel & emboss elements that are used in our 1st and 2nd ranking choices right now.

Instead of adding an outline, could you just add some polish elements to the LED's and the text only without adding anything else to the design? That would be awesome to see.

Thanks so much,

12 years ago
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