i REALLY love your entry #10. #9 is not bad either but the logo needs changing. what does the logo mean in your opinion? also, i really love the colors in the 1st one. it really stands out. could i get a few more versions with that kind of design?
Hi, ok #9 is REALLY growing on me. i love the logo. could you try moving the placement? logo on the side? or some brighter colors like #10 logo.
i really cant decide which one to go with. i just fell in love with #10 from first sight but not i love the rasing bars of #9 and its begining to grow on me. i really cant decide and if i see more versions/variations of those designs i might really stick with one. thank you soo much and if you have any questions please let me know.
i like the last one #15. could we try more bolder colors on the logo. it looks kind of faded unless you think darker wont look nice. could we try the green in #15 to match the green in #10
perfect, #23 looks great! i didnt notice that it was the same color. i really like the deeper blue in #23. thank you for all your work. i really like all your designs. if there is something different that you think of not related to these designs, please submit them. i like your work and style.
i dont mislike it but that logo sideways doesnt seem to be as nice as going upwards. how about extending the three lines under the words? i dont know if that will even look nice but interesting thought?
yes thats what i just thought right after i posted that. i dont think it will look that good as i was thinking. my favorite of that design is still the one with the square straight up and the green line coming out of the square. its really clean and simple yet it says soo much. i dont know, your the designer and i have no imagination. i really like your work and will like anything that you come up with im sure