#15 siver_one, you really showed you got a nice feeling of combining a text logo with a small abstract touch to make it really attractive. the design #15 still gets the first place out of the other proposals you have made. #88 is a good attempt in creating a coherent logo, but the R is a little bit too refined compared to the rest of the text. A few remarks for the final days of the contest :
- Maybe you can play around with the R in your design #15 to create something fitting to the rest of the text? Maybe if you alter the slope of the vertical stripe from the R, in the same angle as the extention of the X can do the trick?
- what we meant in a previous comment with saying that 'relax' and 'vlaanderen' look like 2 separated words and dont belong together, you made a good effort to fix that in your design #80 and #93
maybe you can combine it a bit with the above remark.
- we like your layouts, but prefer to see it without shadows on the text. we agree it can add depth, but we would prefer to see it plain and simple, because then the colors you chose really stand out better, and show that they fit together as well.
Thank you for being a very active uploader, it helps a lot into getting what we want.