this is a very interesting proposal already, so thank you Kassai for your early entry! In general, we like the simplicity of your first version. Especially in the word 'relax' where the R goes smoothly over into the X, that's beautiful. However, the transition between the A and the X seem a bit ... well, 'forced'. Maybe you can find an alternative solultion for this? Also, the bubble coming out on top of the L looks a little strange at this point. Maybe it's the font, or maybe its an impression from the 'playful' aspect we liked? Or perhaps there is a story in the background of this extention, that fits into our business (which might be helpful for our future presskit :-)) Anyway, thumbs up!
#1 and #2 could you make the R a liiiiittle more obvious, not too much to keep the playfullness. And could you try it without the little dot on top of the L. We really like this one and would also like to see it in a alternative form. Go crazy but stick to your initial idea. Because it is the best.
#51 Thank you for trying so many changes to make us happy. This one is our favourite out of all your proposals. The only comment we have at this design, is that the R in 'Relax' might be a little difficult to read. Can you perhaps try playing around a little with this letter to get the full potential out of your design? In general we really like it, it shows luxury, classyness, it affiliates with our female target clients, it's refined at a level that just looks great, it stays simple and clear and that's exactly how we like it!
Allright, thanks for making the R very readable, but it doesn't have to change this much, for us, #51 was still a lot better, might you try very subtle changes to make the R just a little more readable?