Agus, in our final files would you mind including a simple square file of the checkmark from the tail of the R? I am thinking that would be the insignia for our company, a Green Check mark to show that your reporting is correct.
Congratulations. You have definitely won the competition. I will close it tomorrow. I wanted to ask for one minor tweak to this winning entry. Would you mind taking a look at the color palette for the Seattle Seahawks football team and adjusting the colors to match theirs. Yours are very close but their blue is darker I think.
this is what I was looking for but seeing it i can see that it doesn't work. it makes the R look like a P, I assume that is why you did what you did in the first place. Thank you.
Agus, your logo has gone to the top in our survey. I wonder if you could produce a version where the Green Tick on the R is for the entire tail of the R rather than for part of the tail as it is above
sorry Agus. None of these really worked as I had been hoping. I did receive a separate submission that has captured the same idea and works better right now.
hi. thanks for your 4 submissions. I think we need to try one more where the top of the k is pointed like this one but the angled of the K is straight like your original submission.
Thank you. I think we have an opportunity to treat the top part of the k like a check mark or a tick. i.e. if the vertical line is shortened and the positive slope on the k is extended it would look like a check mark. I wonder if you would be interested in providing an option that uses that to make the k more distinctive?
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