Some other ideas I’ve been considering if you’re able to tweak this design or have other thoughts: puzzle pieces, gears, key/keyhole, solutions oriented the same way the light bulb indicates idea oriented. Thank you! I’m really liking your submissions
Could you do one with redwood trees as the filament instead of the two leaves here? I’d like to see it as just one redwood tree and another with three redwoods tree please. Thank you!
Thanks for the entries! I like the light bulb theme to say we generate ideas/solutions, and the plant in it is cool but I’m not sure if it pigeonholes us into just landscaping industry when we service all trades/outdoor/service industries. Could you continue with variations of the light bulb in different ways or other elements that are geared towards solutions oriented?
Sure! Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you!
I like the more stylized font here than some others, but it could also be difficult to read and lacking a logo to go with it. Could you provide similar styles that address those concerns?
Hi, Thank you for the rating you give.
If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you!
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If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you!