I like the creative use of the Cross in #46 and #47. Your font choices are very good as well in 45-48. We don't prefer #44 and #45 - they are a little too busy and it looks a little too much like either a flower or lollypop.. The colors of the logo in #48 are too busy, although I like the all-inclusive and Christian theme of the rainbow - it isn't what looking for in our logo.
Dennis, Thank you for your changes. Could you perhaps use a different, muted color for the word "redeeming" to make it stand out a little more? Also, could you reduce the size of the grace font a little as a variant maybe? Thanks again for your work!
I really like your submission #124 - it is simple, elegant and clear. Could I see a variant that has the word "redeeming" a little bigger than or the same size as the word "grace" perhaps? Also, could you provide a variant that has the words to the right hand side of the icon you created, all in one line, with the word "church beneath it?