Hi, a pleasure to greet you, and is happy to be participating in your contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for your logo #48 #49 Hope you like.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
I like the print; the design I would like to look more like an actual car than something abstract. Also, we're trying to incorporate mountains into the background, perhaps in blue and white.
#70 - I like the mountains - would look better if they were larger. Additionally, something doesn't quite work between the oval around Red White and Blue and the mountains. Perhaps different lines/shapes besides the oval would flow better. Just a thought. Thx
One last comment - our largest mountain in the state is Mt Mckinley aka Mt Denali - it has a distinct profile that is very recognizable in our state. If possible, incorporate this into the mountain sketch.