Hey Max, #45 is pretty good. all my employees loved it. i think it's the right approach. should we improve a little bit the font or the positioning of the 'RedRock'?
Max, between #108 to #45, i want to find the middle - i want to improve the single abstract line, that will show a little bit more of a mountain without going to the mountain of #108 thanks
guys, Please see the template on - www.redrockconstructionandrenovations.com I need one entry of each to match that colors. ignore the logo there, it's just for an example. thanks.
Max, so far #45 is my top one. I need more options with the abstract line. I appreciate the other options you came up with, not sure yet if i prefer better than #45 though.. Let's work on #45 and maybe will focus on that. thanks. try to match it to the template website colors on my previous comment. thanks
let's start work on the files, I don't need more than a day for the third phase. we can conclude it even today.
I need a few versions for different uses - I like the #153 #160 haven't decided yet if I want it in color over the black or just the gray on Black. what's your opinion on that?
I need two good logos for occasions that we can't use the colors - for example on a black and white paper or print. so I need a good one black on white and one negative - black on white. (you did it already, I just want you to revise and fine tune it).
on the color ones - I need the best one for gray on Black, and the best one for some kind of red on Black. #152 #160 are great, again, just need some fine tuning.
is there is any way that I can use your services directly? after this contest? my email address is - yotam@americanhomerental.com
i think we will end up with a few applications for the lgo - some in 2 colors, and some in 3. for the 3, can you apply the 3D, not pressed but stick out?
We are close to finish. Let's change the font to the one in #169 I need one of each color on the ranked column with the font of #169 And the only color change - in #189 to make the letters less white and more metallic.
hey Max, congrats! really like your work. I will take the files of both font (didn't decide yet what i want, and dint want to keep you waiting) so two fonts for each of the 4 different colors. thanks man, I appreciate your work. please contact me on skype - yotamshochat i might have some more jobs for you.